Episode 21: High Performance Team Ash Ash Ash 11/15/22
Two brothers of the leaf discuss cigars and leadership while they enjoy a great cigar. Austin is smoking a Black Market Estelí by Alec Bradley and Dice is smoking an Illusione Cigares Prìvé. Listen throughout the episode to learn more about the first, second and final thirds of the cigars. The cigar topic for this episode is all about that ash. What can the ash tell you about a cigar? Find out if they like ashes, because they cannot lie; ok that was weak, but learn something about the finer points of ash. The leadership segment will focus on the ability of a high performance team. They will discuss what does it take to have a great team and how to keep a high performance team at its peak. Do you think that ash can tell you about a cigar? Share your thoughts on our instagram LeadershipoftheLeaf or you can email a response to NSPlume@gmail.com, maybe your response will be presented on an episode.