Episode 22: Management vs Leadership, When to Stop Smoking a Cigar 12/1/22
Two brothers of the leaf discuss cigars and leadership while they enjoy a great cigar. Austin is smoking a CAO Arcana Mortal Coil and Dice is smoking a CAO Arcana Firewalker. The two of them discuss, when is the right time to stop smoking a cigar. The misconceptions about, when to stop smoking. The proper way to keep that half smoked cigar, because who wants to throw away money. The leadership segment is probably one the best topics yet. Leadership versus management is a great topic to compare and talk about the differences. A comparison that is highly debated amongst leadership circles. These two go back and forth between the topics to make sense of it all. The two comparisons can be debated. Which side would you consider yourself, a manager or a leader? Share your thoughts on instagram LeadershipoftheLeaf or you can email a response to NSPlume@gmail.com, maybe your response will be presented on an episode.