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S2 Ep20 - Discovering Superhero Cigars: Unmasking Affordable Pleasures

Writer's picture: nsplumensplume

01 Nov 2023 -  In the world of cigars, every aficionado seeks that golden combination: high-quality cigars at an affordable price. For many, the magic number for a value-packed cigar is often set at ten dollars. In this podcast episode, the hosts present a list of ten cigars, each priced under ten dollars, to satisfy your cigar cravings. While the cigars are presented in no particular order, they all promise a delightful experience without breaking the bank.

As the episode kicks off, Austin is savoring the Charter Oak by Foundation Cigars. This cigar is among the top ten selections that prove you don't need to spend a fortune to enjoy a premium smoke. The Charter Oak offers a creamy flavor profile, accentuated by chocolate, roasted nuts, and a subtle peppery kick.

Meanwhile, Dice brings his own unique tale to the table with the Don Aguilera. This Total Wine & More exclusive, crafted by Rocky Patel, is a medium-bodied cigar that stands out with its spicy notes and hints of hickory and almonds. While it might not be part of the top ten list, Dice's choice illustrates the world of options available even within the affordable cigar market.

The episode takes a surprising turn, delving into a metaphorical comparison between the hunt for budget-friendly cigars and the allure of being a workplace superhero. While superheroes are revered in comic books and cartoons, they often fall flat in professional environments. The notion of being a superhero every day can lead to resentment among your team. The episode advises listeners to focus on becoming leaders who actively listen and communicate with their team members instead of constantly striving to save the day.

The episode concludes by exploring why superheroes are not a necessity in the workplace and presents a curated list of a few superhero cigars, all priced under ten dollars. These cigars prove that affordable options can be just as satisfying and impressive as their higher-priced counterparts.

So, the next time you're on the hunt for that perfect, affordable cigar, remember that you don't need superhuman abilities. Instead, you need the knowledge and insight to uncover those hidden gems in the world of cigars. Grab your favorite cigar, press play on this week's podcast, and let the hosts guide you through the journey of discovering budget-friendly cigar bliss. Enjoy your smoke, and remember that every puff takes you one step closer to becoming a true leader of the leaf.

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